During the academic year 2020/21, the University undertook a review of the governance and operation of student clubs and societies currently hosted by the University of London (UoL). A Review Group, representing the range of stakeholders including students present and past, was convened to consider potential options for the UoL clubs and societies going forward. The outcomes of the review were presented to the heads of Member Institutions for decision at meetings of the Collegiate Council in December 2020 and in July 2021.

The Review Group was supported by a working party including four student representatives, with one of them (David McBay) also sitting on the Review Group. All the student representatives raised questions and queries from the student body with the working group.


In recognition of the restrictions encountered due to the pandemic and the difficulties experienced by the University in establishing dialogues with Member Institutions and their Students’ Unions.  At its meeting on 2 July 2021 the Collegiate Council agreed to extend the time period to find the best possible outcome for each activity into the academic year 2021/22 to enable better dialogue with students and transfers will be concluded during the current academic year. 

Each club or society has three options:

(a)      Transferring the club or society to the Students’ Union of a Member Institution.

(b)      Setting up a charity -- probably as a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) – which will take over the governance and oversight of the club or society.  It may be possible for a single charity to take responsibility for a number of clubs and societies that want to pursue this option.

(c)      Closing the club or society.

The University of London is working with student representatives and Students’ union representatives to implement appropriate arrangements under the three options above.